
Monday, 10 February 2025

Trump has bought the Gaza Strip!

 Time for the Philistines to Leave?

It is well over the time by now for these people who claim ownership of Israeli land to have left for better climes, but we are learning quickly the reality of the region is that no other Arab country wants them and what they have under occupation should remain the same!

Neither the Israeli PM Mr. Netanyahu or Donald Trump is going to continue to tolerate the Hamas and their genocidal terrorism against Israel, so that they will have to be cleared, perhaps to Ireland and Wales, who seems to love them very much so they say?

The truth is they are already a displaced people from Egypt and Jordan, because in those two lands they are already seen as trouble-makers and where they are they can be monitored and confined by both the U.S. and Israel!

Genesis 10:14, 39:20, Nehemiah 6:10, Zephaniah 2:5, John 3:3, 14-21, Acts 4:12, Romans 3:21-31, Hebrews 9:25-28.

Monday, 13 January 2025

Not the Abraham Accords?

 The ball game for Donald Trump has changed!

He may want peace, but there are many now who want to see what the duck is made of and Islam is out to get him, rather than making peace with Israel, wither the hostages get released or not, Joe will leave office like Carter and Trump will be measured to be seen as what he is not and that is strong?

He may lift the U.S. economy and again promise the rust belt what he said before and did nothing and he may be the last democratic leader of the free world, as he has no intentions this time of retiring until his son becomes the next U.S. President or King of America!

Land grabbing may be the legacy of Trump with strife in Europe over Greenland and the re-taking of the Panama canal, could lead to a different kind of world war-III?

Proverbs 4:18, John 1:1-5, 3:3, 14-21, 8:12, 9:4, Romans 3:22-23, 6:22-23, Hebrews 4;12-13, 9:26-27.

Monday, 16 December 2024


 Fear of loosing Power?

The Christmas story has so much blessing and hope in it, yet it also has horror in relation to the wise men from the east visiting the Kings palace in Jerusalem to meet the Messiah and the Savior of the Gentiles!

King Herod, who was only a proxy King in name and a vessel of the Roman occupation was in fear that another line of the David family was going to take his throne and he was infuriated when the three kings did not return to the palace!

Jesus and His earthly mother and father had to flee to Egypt as Herod ordered the massacre of all male children from baby to two years old in Israel.

Today we are experiencing a transition of power in the U.S. that is not nice and the President Biden is proving to be no better than Trump, each clinging on to power and maybe with Trump in four years time the situation now in S-Korea will be playing out in the U.S.?

Luke 1:68-72, 2:1-15, Acts 13:23, 32-33, 38, Hebrews 9:25-28, Revelation 7:17.

Monday, 18 November 2024

His Back!

 Triumphal Trumpism for Now?

The land slide victory for the Republicans, like that of British Labor might ring hollow in the first one-hundred days in office, when we discover that not is all as it seems and that what was promised will have to wait!

Many of the current appointments may not be allowed to pass, since some of those called are not suitable for the roles that they have been called to and others are perhaps not in the right places, were they could be of more value?

Currently the pro-Israel lobby looks good, but with Trump being so unpredictable and want peace over conflict, he may go more so for the Arab voters and be more of a hindrance than anything else!

Has God chosen him or is this another ploy to win votes, we will have to wait and see if he really does come to faith in Jesus and be a true Christian leader and not an anti-Christ type?

Hosea 13:13, Ephesians 5:15, James 1:8, 2 Peter 3:16.

Monday, 21 October 2024

Raising the Stakes?

 Europe, U.K. and the U.S. over Israel!

Everyone wants Israel to capitulate to the will of the Iranians, something that if they were in the same place would not do, but it has to be this way for the Jews?

This is antisemitism on mass, when these western nations refuse to even account for the Holocaust of 1938-45 and their failure to deal with the aftermath of it, they now want to continue where they left off!

But no one in the region is listening to the hypocrisy of the two state plan and all are going at it for win or loose and Israel will win, since they are home in the promised land and God is with them to fulfill His plan and not the plans of anyone else!

Of all these nations involved many give the impression of having a faith, but the reality is none have anything, but the right words without faith and despite Israel being blind to the truth and Islam misguided God is using both of them to challenge the conceptions of western-society and all of it immoral filth that it terms freedom!

 Deuteronomy 20:4, 2 Samuel 23:10, Psalm 144:10, Proverbs 21:31, 1 Corinthians 15:50, 57, 1 John 5:4.

Monday, 30 September 2024

Lack of Trust!

 No confidence in Kamala Harris?

The United States is one of several nations now in crises, where leaders are no longer trusted and parties lack confidence in them, because they are seen as weak and that they are the only choice available to run for the next round!

Joe Biden is very much a lame duck in office and is making himself a laughing stock, but his party do not want Harris to replace him, until after who wins the elections on the 5th November?

America is making serious mistakes with home policy and the Middle-East and even now the Donald is pulling into line with Biden and wanting to make peace or appease Iran instead of acting tough, instead of just speaking tough?

Isaiah 14:10, Matthew 26:41, Acts 20:35, Romans 14:1, 1 Corinthians 8:9, Galatians 4:9, 1 Thessalonians 5:4.

Monday, 26 August 2024

Nine days that the U.K. Burned!

 British white anger against Islam?

Many Muslims believed for a long time that they have been very comfortable in the U.K. and that they could rule the roost, but after the stabbing to death by a black youth, three little white children in Southport, Lancashire, NW-England, the reaction to their loss was pure hatred and despite all efforts to calm the situation it has worsened!

The riots may have ended for now and the powers of the British government critical and unwise is proving Keir Starmer is weak and has mistakenly classed his own people in a wrong way, getting his facts all muddled up, seems a bit like Donald Trump who speaks little truth and what a disaster awaits the U.S. in November this year?

Both the U.S. and the U.K. along with many other western nations has issues with immigration and that their is both a new underlying factor of crime and terrorism at play and what to do about, on one is sure!

Proverbs 28:17, Isaiah 43:23-24, Acts 19:29-32, 2 Corinthians 1:8, 5:4, 14:33, 1 Timothy 5:16.