
Monday, 30 March 2015

'I Am the Light. Part-Three.

Walking in the Light.

Being a believer in Jesus death and resurrection is not easy, it is not for the faint hearted!  John 1:4, 8:12.

We who have faith to believe must walk in the light, we cannot be closet 'Christians or as some have become 'Sunday suits and Monday rags.'

If we have entered into Eternity, into the New Life after repenting and changing our mental attitudes we must not allow ourselves to fall back. Matthew 5:14-16.

The light we have now is temporal, the days of darkness and anti-Christ are coming and we need to be on Jesus side!
John 12:35-36.

Friday, 27 March 2015

I Am the Light. Part-Two.

Preferred Darkness.  John 3:14-21.

The world is walking and rushing around in its gloom, it talks of a better future, of peace and many other high value principles. But the problem with living in the darkness is that you cannot see your own self!

The failure of each of us is hidden within our shabby coverings that we call style and fashion, it is deeper still with in our hearts and minds and that is why when we see the light of revelation and truth we hide from it.

Proverbs 1:29, 4:18, 5:12, 15:2, Psalms 1:1-3, 119:80, 105, James 1:23-25.

Monday, 16 March 2015

I Am the Light. Part-One.

of the World.

There are plenty of lights out in this world evetyday try to influence us, TV, Internet, Adverts, window displays and the lits go on and on.

But there is really only one true light and if we come seeking Him, we will not be dissapointed.

Isaiah 9:2,  49:6,  John 8:12.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Peer Pressure. Part-Two.

Drugs to Rape.

Growing up can be or has been very hard for some of us, who know about being abused by adults.

The drunken parents, the step-parents, uncles and aunts who touch where they should not!

So called mates who introduce us to drugs or think that rape is a way to be accepted in the gang!

God wants the best for us, some of us now try everyday to keep walking in His light of the New Life.

Job 34:30,  Psalm 119:136,  1 Corinthians 4:12.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Peer Pressure. Part-One.

Hey Join Us!

When you are young you hear it all the time from mates, 'lets do this, lets try that?

When we are changing in our bodies from teenagers to adults there are a variety of new things to be tried and we will get pressured by others to join in.

But we don't have to join in anything that we do not want to do, wither there is pressure or none.

God has given to all of us choice, we wear what we want, go here and there and so we have the choice to say Yes or No.

Genesis 43:11,  Proverbs 8:10,  10:20,  Acts 15:7.