
Monday, 25 May 2015

Pentecost. Part-One.

Holy Spirit given to all Believers.

Prior to this event the Holy Spirit was only given to certain believers so that they would be enabled to do the will of God. Now all believers from this point on would receive the Holy Spirit, because they had to be empowered to serve.

Many Christians today make the slight mistake of asking Jesus for more of the Holy Spirit and for the gifts, that they already possess and refuse to use.

Everyone outside the born-again/converted experience cannot receive this power, it is only for us.

Acts 1:8, 2:33, 1 Thessalonians 1:6, Hebrews 3:7.

Monday, 18 May 2015

Oppression. Part-One.

We have the Power!

If you are a born-again or converted believer, you will have the Power of the Holy Spirit inside you. The world cannot have this power that god has given to us, this power is a passion that burns within us to keep doing the right things, to be honest and fare to all.

This power helps us to forgive those who give us a hard time, persecute and think they can oppress us? This Spirit of God is our friend, when we have failed and are weak, he comes to us and points the way back to Jesus again.

Romans 5:1-6, Psalm 22:4-5.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Jesus Return. Part-Two.

Clouds of Glory.

Many of us have heard this through media, films and books, without ever knowing the bible or having any contact with Christians?

But this is an abiding truth that Jesus will return first to gather His followers in the sky and then with His army of Angels to defend Israel His chosen people.

Every eye will see Jesus in the end and there are many events in relation to His return written in the book of Revelation.

Daniel 7:13-14. Matthew 13:26, 23:39, 26:64, Luke 13:36, 22:68.