
Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Saints and Sinners. Part-One.


They say that the believers walk starts at the door out of our fellowships!

This is the truth that many people today avoid, because it is hard to talk to hostile neighbours, fellow workers, family, friends?

People just do not want to hear the truth, they don't want to give up their trash lives of filth and sin!

Jesus told all His followers to go out and share their faith and preach the Gospel, that is why you have a Church to go to today.

Mark 16,  Acts 1-2.

Monday, 15 February 2016

After St. Valentines Day.

Today and Forward.

Now that it is all over, the cards, chocolates, roses and flowers?

How are we feeling, are we back to our over reacting, swearing selves again?

If we loved before yesterday, then we will continue to be loving today and every other day.

God's Love is Eternal, If we believe that God gave us His One and Only Son, we will be following in faith and putting into Practise His Love, Jesus Love.

Leviticus 19:18,  Psalm 133:1, Matthew 5:11-12,  I John 5:1-2.

Monday, 8 February 2016

Nothing like LOVE. Two.

God's Love, real Love.

The love of God/Jesus is a love of cost and value, it is not about empty words!

If we believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus and have repented of our failure, God asks us to Love Him and to love those around us.

Actions do speak louder than words and No thanks is better than flattery.

The love of fellowship, friendship in care and concern and in compassion, what more should be said?

Matthew 22:37-39,  Mark 12:30-31,  Deuteronomy 6:5-7, Philemon 1:8-10,  James 5:20.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Nothing Like Love. ONE.

Human Nature.

There are many aspects to love, parent to child, baby to mother, brotherly, friendship. 

Then we have the love of things, houses, models, money, business, cars, jewellery, pets, animals, nature, interests, work,

Then we have the love between and man and woman, of romance, of marriage, of sex, of intimacy,

Love is cheap in the world, because it is full of selfishness and expects a return always! 

God's love is not like that it is unconditional.

Psalm 1:3, Isaiah 57;1, Galatians 5:22-23.