
Monday, 26 September 2016

Thou shall Not?

Grace and Law.

The world lives under the Laws of God found in Exodus chapter 20, but we who know Jesus as our personal saviour are under His Grace.

It is hard to tell people sometimes that we have been chosen! Many of us were going our own way and out of the blue, things changed and soon we discovered the knowledge that we were in a depraved state of sin?

You see the Law does not save us, it condems us to be breakers of its demands!

God's grace on the other hand gives us the promise of a New Start with Him to Freedom!

Jeremiah 3:13,  Colossians 2:20-23,  3:1-4,  10-11.

Monday, 12 September 2016

Rejoice. Part-One.

It helps Us!

We all need help at the best of times, and God wants us to be happy in all our circumstances and situations!

The world will always be attacking us for one reason or another, if we believe in God!

The many times they have a go at us, they also contradict themselves in their anger and frustration?

But we are now living in our New Lives and have so much to give thanks to God for.

1 Chronicles 16:32,  Psalm 40:16,  Philippians 2:17-18.