
Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Apostacy. Two.

Lacking Empathy?

One knows something is seriously wrong when people who claim to be Christians cannot forgive or forget their enemies, on the other hand they may choose another equal cause and have an alternative hatred towards another community?

This is something that we are seeing with the situation in N-Ireland brewing up again, we see it daily to in many other places such as in the U.S. police against the Black communities. There is a lack of care, because they are not like us why should we care about them?

Look what they have done to us over the years, how can one forgive them for all that? This reveals that these so called Christians are like a white washed wall pretty on the outside and respectable but full of hatred and wickedness on the inside!

Proverbs 17:9, Luke 17:4,  2 Corinthians 2:7, Hebrews 12:15, James 5:15.

Monday, 13 March 2017

Cloud of Witnesses. Part-Two.

Looking out for Others?

We are the next generation in that divine cloud of witnesses, we are on the narrow way to glory and we are seeing new believers being added to our Churches! We are looking out now after the many years of sometimes hard experience's to help others, the so called babes in Christ.

Advice, warning, encouragement, praise, devotion, prayer, exercise of the mid in discipline to have a routine or quite time daily with God! These are some of many things we can be doing, even when it may hurt others for a time?

We tend to forget that the many today coming into fellowship, may have no religious background or come from one of the legalistic sides of religion, paganism and the many new ideals of self praise, positive thinking and self-achievement that is not based on the teachings of Jesus?

Hebrews 1:6,  Psalm 138:3,  1 Thessalonians 5:14.

Martyrs-Saints. One.

The Celtic Church.

When many Christians come to study Church history, they focus mostly on the division of Europe between the Eastern orthodox and the Western Roman Catholic. Some will occasionally look at the Armenian and the various Coptic's around the Middle-East and North-Africa, but all will fail to acknowledge the Celtic Church of the geographical term, the British Isles?

This is because it seems not to have a direct connection to the mass events of historical interest, when the truth be known that it is more important in relation for today than meets the eye? The influence of one man Patrick in Ireland would change direction for the Christian religion throughout Northern-Europe and this influence despite the various reformations would ultimately clash with other groups of the New world in the Americas hundreds of years later!

Matthew 3:12, Mark 16:15,  Romans 10:15, 1 Timothy 1:15.

Apostacy. One.

The Nations?

Our world is in a mess, but by the standards of the Bible it always has been since the fall of Eve in the garden of Eden! There are many who are claiming they can fix it by their acumen and politic, and one would have to be really silly to believe them?

In the Old Testament of the bible, the Prophets gave their message from God either to Judah or Israel or both, but today the message of God's Judgement is to all the world! By refusing to recognise Jesus the one and only son of God, the world will perish in Hell.

Jude 24,  Micah 1:2,  3:1,  6:1.