
Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Easter. Part-Three.

Risen from the Dead!

Jesus said that he would die and rise from the dead on the third day, and he did! He was seen by well over five-hundred people between His resurrection and His Ascension back to Heaven, over a forty-day period.

Doubting Thomas is one proof, the broiled fish is another that he returned to us in the same body and was neither a ghost of some lofty Spirit! Jesus was the same flesh and blood as He always was, both fully the perfect, sinless man and God!

Now we come to the facts of faith-trust in relation to the resurrection of Jesus, because some cannot believe this to be a truth? Without understanding this key area of our salvation, we will not be delivered from the darkness of sin! In it we died with Him and rose with Him into the Eternal New Life!

John 11:25, 1 Corinthians 15:4, 12-13, 1 Thessalonians 4:14, 1 Peter 1:3, 8.

Easter. Part-Two.

Jesus perfect and sinless Man!

Jesus chose of His own free will to go to the cross/tree/stake for our purchasing back to God! He was the perfect sacrifice, much better than any animal that had been offered since the days of Abel, Tabernacle and the Temple!

Blood had to be always shed for the remission of sins on everything, we see this on the door posts before the Exodus from Egypt by Moses, we see it in nearly every sacrifice that was offered to God!

But now Jesus died taking our sin on His body and removing past failure, allowing us into a New Life with Him and His father!

Exodus 12;13,  29:20,  Matthew 26:28,  Luke 22:20,  Acts 20:28.

Easter. Part-One.

He died for Me?

Easter is about the death and resurrection of Jesus, that baby that we celebrate the birth of Christmas each year! But in history there were thirty-three years between these two most pivotal moments in human history.

Jesus came to set sinners free from the grip of Satan, who has a hold on humanity since Adam fell eating the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden! But God always promised that he would send a Saviour to rescue man from his inherited condition!

For God so loved the world, that he gave for us Jesus His one and only son. John 3:16.