
Monday, 29 May 2017

In times of Trouble? One.

What a friend we Have!

Our world and our nations are under attack from a ruthless army, who attack soft targets to maim mostly woman and children and also Christians! These are the big men of the Islamic State, who are proving their cowardliness to us now!

But we know that their are many evil forces at work, who are equally cruel in vice and trafficking, blackmail and extortion? All is not lost, if we know that we have a friend like Jesus in our hearts and lives!

He is the one who gives us the daily hope to go on, despite all that both Manchester, Westminster Bridge and the attacks in Egypt are costing in death, destruction and emotional breakdown. We who believe knows that our God never gives up on us, because 'We have a friend in Jesus, such a precious friend!

Proverbs 17:17, Luke 11:12, James 2:23.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Leaving and Returning!

Some (believers) Forget?

Even people of faith can allow themselves to get caught up in tradition of holidays like Christmas and Easter and forget that their faith in God has much more to offer?

Jesus Ascended back to Heaven and Angels said, 'He would return again in the same way!'

Jesus is coming back to collect the Ekklesia, Bride of Christ or family of God at the end of the Age!

We must be ready for that great and terrible day, when the sky as we understand it will be opened to reveal the mighty armies of Heaven descend to Earth?

Acts 1:2-11, John 14:3, 2 Thessalonians 1:10, Revelation 1:7.

Monday, 15 May 2017

The Spiders Web!


These last few days has seen an unprecedented attack on the Internet and older operating systems by unknown hackers or so we are being told?

Technology is a great thing, we have a plethora of gadgets today and in the last 30 years there has been a revolution! The Internet brings education, entertainment and communications today right into our hands via the mobile phone.

But as we are seeing there is a cost to everything, because a system is easy to work with and is old, does not mean it will continue to be patched up with new fixes?

The bible warns us about trusting in things and not in God, it also tells us not to sew new patches to old garments? But rather we should be wise in our need of storage and buy new things that are present!

Judges 16:13-14, Job 8:14-15, 27:18, Isaiah 59:6, Matthew 7:26-27, Mark 2:21-22, Luke 5:36-37.

Monday, 8 May 2017


Witness of the Resurrection!

People are canny today when it comes to being a witness, they either know how the play the system that requires numbers or they like the police make up false statements to twist things to suit themselves?

But over five hundred people say Jesus risen from the grave over a period of forty days, and Jesus said to sceptical Thomas what you see, many will believe without ever seeing!

So the ball is now in our court and we have heard it all before, OMG I don't believe?

Isaiah 53:9-12,  Mark 16:12-13,  Luke 24:13,  John 20:24-26,  1 Corinthians 15:6.

Monday, 1 May 2017

1st May.

A day for the Workers?

Today many people who work for these plethora of the many gig economy companies are actually more worse off than their ancestors one hundred years ago?

19thCentury socialism fought for the rights and equality of the workers, who had been exploited by their bosses throughout the Industrial revolution.

But today there remains several totalitarian governments who are enslaving their people, because they have taken socialism to the extreme and thus they have reverted to the denial of many other freedoms!

God calls for believers in business to be fare, show concern and be compassionate to their workers situations!

Exodus 6:9, Psalm 71:4, Ecclesiastes 10:13, Malachi 1:4, Matthew 15:37, 1 Corinthians 8:13, Colossians 3:12, 1 John 3:17.