
Monday, 31 July 2017

'Fake News?'

Who is telling it?

One U.S. president has come up with this term on his media services, re his election to office? But the truth is he is as much to blame, as his own media? All media services are advised by their governments on what they can and cannot report? Degrees of freedom change from country to country to the point of being closed and controlled!

The world will tell you there is No God, religion, Church going, is either rubbish or a waste of time? This is the real fake news, the denial of a loving unconditional God and His compassionate son who died on the cross to free us from our sins and rose from to dead to set us free and allow us entry to Heaven!

Psalm 40:9,  45:1, Proverbs 15:30,  Isaiah 40:9,  61:1, Matthew/Levi 11:15,  Luke 1:19,  Acts 8:12,  Romans 10:15, Hebrews 4:2,  6,  1 Peter 1:12,  25.

Monday, 24 July 2017

Marked Out?

Tats or You Tube?

Gangs were once known by their Tattoo's today it is their insulting and provoking videos on You Tube, because the mobile phone has replaced identity? Identification, provoking and insulting other to rise a confrontation is not good in the first place, but surprise surprise others who see may be tempted to come in and start their own turf wars?

God forbids those who trust in Him to mark themselves by inking, painting or cutting their skin! It is only mentioned once, and that is perhaps enough for us to get the message? The world who do not believe in God now don't care, but when you do it will cost you much pain to get them removed!

God has laws set in place, despite His unconditional love for us! He always wants the best for us to stop being silly and get on in life doing something that is responsible and caring for others!

Leviticus 19:27-28, Exodus 23:1, Luke 1:53, John 3:15-21, Romans 3:22-23, 6:22-23, Hebrews 10:24.

Monday, 17 July 2017

The value of Woman? Part-One.

Society and Woman!

Everyday we hear about the undervalue of the role of the woman in our societies, woman are attacked on many social networks by men with filthy language and then they term it banter! It is the woman's role to give birth to all people living today, we call this our mothers.

Many men abuse their partners and wives, if not also their mistresses? They see no value in woman, as nothing more than a sex object? Then one has to wonder in what way do they see their female relatives, aunts, sisters and mothers, grandmothers?

The bible tells us that woman was made for man, because no other creature in the created order was suitable as a partner! We are told about the several dispensations in relation to woman in the bible from the Old Testament to the New, wither they are single, virgins, married or widowed!

Genesis 2;18,  25:6,  2 Chronicles 11:21,  Exodus 22:16,  Daniel 5:23,  Matthew 1:23,  5:32,  Psalm 68:5,  Luke 20:47,  1 Timothy 5:16,  Titus 1:6.

Monday, 10 July 2017


Many Kinds!

God is not limited to hearing us cry out to Him, to give thanks, to praise Him! Humanity likes to jeer God and make Him small and far away, to undermine the people of faith as nutters, weaklings losers?

Prayer does help in our times of need, wither we are praying for our own situation or that of another!

Born-again believers know already that our relationship with God, through Jesus His one and only Son allows us to see the miracles, the impossible at work all the times and everyday!

Our God is near and not limited, He answers in His time and He gives what is needed to meet each situation!

Genesis 13:8,  19:7-8,  Exodus 10:17,  Job 42:8,  Psalm 5:2, Matthew 6:9,  Romans 8:26,  2 Corinthians 13:7,  2 Thessalonians 3:2,  Hebrews 13:8,  3 John 1:2.

Life and Death?

Medicine does not have all the Cures?

It big news at this time about a little baby, who is being kept alive by a machine at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). But others believe there is the possibility of a cure in the U.S. that is worth following through?

We so much need hope today in this world, hope that life will be lived over that of death and murder! The youth are killing themselves over crap rivalry and listening to music that is neither cultural or inspiring!

We all need to have our faith in God, to believe in the impossible to know that we are cared for and loved by God who gave us His one and only Son! So that we would be set free from the darkness of this life into the hope of the New Life!

John 3:3,  15-16,  31-36,  Proverbs 8:30,  Philippians 2:9-11.