
Monday, 21 August 2017

The value of Women? Part-Two.

Worth nothing in Islam?

This is the impression that one gets in relation to the recent terrorist attacks in Europe and Russia? In fact British TV is airing The State, based on the experiences of four young people who join Islamic State and in this film women must end their western-ideas for complete Sharia?

In Sharia the women is worthless, if she falls to adultery she is to be killed by stoning to death! Even if she was lead astray by the male or raped, she must still die? In the film there are claims of seventy two woman for every man?

But this is all contrary to the teaching of the Bible, even in the Old Testament! Proof and decisions  must be made by the courts before and stones are cast! The Jews got it wrong when Jesus asked them to cast the first stone, because they did not keep the Law that they claimed to believe in?

John 8:7,  Deuteronomy 17:6,  Psalm 15:16-20.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

NAZI-America. Part-One.

Presidential Attitude?

One had hope yesterday that the words of the U.S. President were genuine in his condemnation of white supremest violence in Charlotteville, Virginia?

But when the Black business man resigned his position in protest to those riots and the death of three, DJ Trump showed his colours by accusing him of being a black crook!

Today the United States of America is in so much big trouble, that one knows that N-Korea need not fire any missiles at Guam? 'We will take back America! Means we will look back past Obama and Martin Luther-King, to them Good Ole days?

Most of what is coming out of the new administration is not sounding real Christian, but its rather the religious twisted ideology of the Ku Klux Klan and all those other groups represented in the Republican administration?

Genesis 4:5,  Ruth 2:10,  Psalm 138:6,  Proverbs 22:6,  Luke 17:18,  Acts 28:2,  1 Corinthians 14:11,  Ephesians 2:19,  Colossians 3:11,  James 2:3, 1 Peter 5:5.

Monday, 7 August 2017

Thirsty? One.

Needing a Drink?

People long ago in Europe made mead or beer to drink, mostly in towns and cities where the water was dirty? People washed their cloths and bodies in the water, but out I the sticks many had seasonal wells of fresh water, while everything else was done in the streams and rivers or on the boiling pot.

Jesus asked a Samaritan woman at the well for a drink and promised her Eternal Life, this fact in human history has not stopped yet and you are being offered that same water to refresh your mind and heart to know you failures and too repent of them!

Psalm 107:35,   John 4:14,   Isaiah 12:3.