
Monday, 29 January 2018

Vitriol. Part-Two.


Many today believe that this is the new attitude of the 21st Century youth, we no longer care about ourselves or anyone else? But surprise, surprise it like most things is nothing new under the sun, back in the 1930's Europe this attitude built on many existing ideas from the 19th Century, which lead to the Nazi-German Holocaust!

Fatalism is in many ways nothing more than an excuse to deny the power of God, to accept His authority over that of the worlds! The police, courts, laws of the land today are still corrupt and nothing will really change in the future either!

We live in a world of great social advances, its okay to have sex with your parents, sleep with you dog and have multi-trans gender feelings? Today a boy, tomorrow a girl and so on, but they are not a fact, its all feelings and they eventually will lead to suicide or mass murder?

Leviticus 19:18, Psalm 4;4, Amos 9:2, Matthew/Levi 4:5-6,  Acts 14:15, 16:27, Galatians 5:20.

Monday, 22 January 2018

Modern Slavery. One.


It is at this time not clear to the situation in the United States of America in relation to Black Afro-Americans and where they stand with this new U.S. Administration?

One would like to believe that all is well, but it seems that DJ Trump is a very changeable character and nothing is as straight with him as it would seem?

Right-wing politics are dictating a return to second class citizenship in the U.S., with many Christians believing that they have been duped at this time at least on Immigration issues? Its the good folks that are getting sent back and not those so called cartel drug leaders and other criminals?

History may be in the beginnings of repeating itself in America, when it comes to Black rights and by the end of this term the clock may have been turned back some twenty years??

Proverbs 30:6,   Isaiah 29:13,  Matthew 15:7-9,  Mark 7:2-13,  Colossians 2:22.

Monday, 15 January 2018

Vitriol. Part-One.

Acid Attacks.

This is a new wave in street criminality across the United Kingdom, but it must be a reflection of society that has become vitriol to the state, police? 

After so many years of seeing no change in the West-Indian community and relations with the police, this new form of vicious crime is the reply! Today the law is catching up with this evil crime and soon, when it comes to the doors of the government youth will see long sentences, if not life terms?

Crime does not pay and any of us who have been there know it well?

Jesus is the answer for young people today, as he was for us yesterday! What can we do, talk try to help, get that anger out and find out what can be done to improve or turn them away from gangs, guns, and theft?

Job 7:11,  10:1,  Proverbs 14:10,  John 3:3,  14-21,  31-36,  Romans 3:14,  Ephesians 4:31,  Hebrews 12:15.

Monday, 8 January 2018

New year 2018.

Seasons Greetings and A Happy new Year!

This is another New year and the time when our emergency rooms and hospitals will be filled with people facing terminal illnesses, following the excess of the season in food and drink? 

It is also the time of the year when people will realise that they are in debt, from wanting to buy everyone something for Christmas? Many people are not serious today about being in debt, they think it can all be swept away, but in latter life they may find the essentials that they need will be refused because of their pasts!

This is the same with knowing or not knowing God?

Rational thinking in the Church is blocking off the powerful message of Jesus Virgin birth and the importance to us of who He is!

Isaiah 7:14,  Matthew 6;12,  Luke 1:27,  Romans 3;23, 6;23,  Ephesians 5:8,  2 Peter 2:17.