
Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Our daily Strength?

The strength of Empowerment!

The world is a tough place and we are the first to know this, but as believers now it is harder to share our faith because of human idealism and the equality acts that accept everything but not faith in God!

So we need a friend and the Lord God knew what is ahead, so that is why He gave us His Holy Spirit so that we could be comforted and helped daily when down in the dumps!

Being a Born-Again Christian believer is harder that being a hood in the world, we are attacked daily in the mind by Satan, causing us to doubt God or feel rejected! So we must reject these lies from him and press on to serve our Lord in peace and inner Joy?

John 14:27,   Acts 2:3-4,    Psalm 76:3,    140:7,    Proverbs 21:31,   2 Corinthians 1:22,   Ephesians 6:12-13.

Monday, 3 June 2019

High Expectations!

Surprised by God?

We all like to have a bit of pomp, despite being New believers it is a natural aspect of our human nature and so it was with Naaman the Syrian general in seeking the Prophet Elisha for the healing of his leprosy?

But Elisha was not playing ball today and this upset Naaman to start fussing over which river was better than the Jordan!

But God was working through people once more, his servants rebuked him and told him to get on with it! This is the same with many of us, we are guided by God to do something and then all we end up doing is fussing over the small things!

2 Kings 5:11-14,    Luke 4:27,    Exodus 16:8,   Philippians 2:14.