
Monday, 28 October 2019

Secular Humanism! Part-Two.

Taking away the real Meanings! Halloween.

Discounting God is the ultimate aim of humanism, to put a doubt in our minds almost the same way that Satan deceived Eve in the garden of Eden and brought humanity all this trouble!

If we are old enough to know, 'Halloween is to show children that Good always overcomes evil and it has to be simple for most of them?

But today children are being bombarded with deviant sexual education and that of a new king of totalitarianism in that parents no longer have any say to the state!

Slowly everything that is considered good and right is being ebbed away and it shows in the society around us, more lies being heaped on the already existing failures!

Numbers 14:18,  Job 34:37,  Luke 14:18,  Acts 1:3,  Romans 3:19,   2 Thessalonians 2:3,  James 1:6.

Monday, 7 October 2019

Anarchistic Society?

The reign of terror Continues!

Knife crime in the U.K. is now worse than Gun crime in the U.S. and similar situations in many other places?

We can blame the police, we can accuse the government of failing to care, but much of what is happening in our nations has more to do with the Church than meets the eye! Comforts, indifference and ignorance's with false teachings and judgement plague the Ekklesia today and the word of Jesus on Judgement day are already ringing through!

When did we see you? Matthew 25:37-44.

As believers we need to change to break the mould that is killing faith, the preaching of the Gospel and the Cross! This is the only hope for the world, for  poor, the lost Jesus died and rose again?

John 3:3,  14-18,  19:17-19,   Acts 5:30,   Romans 6:6,   1 Corinthians 1:17,   2 Corinthians 13:4,   Galatians 2:19,   Ephesians 2:16,  Hebrews 12:2.