
Monday, 26 July 2021

God expects more from Us!

 A den of merchants and Robbers?

One has always felt uncomfortable with the Sunday book store in the Church and despite the need for it, it becomes a king of religious hypocrisy when we are encouraged by some to keep the sabbath and feel okay trading in the confines of fellowship!

Jesus was not to pleased with what He saw in the Temple in Jerusalem, the abuse of the religious leadership turning a Holy building into another outlet for business and His words spoken that they were in relation to what the poor suffering Prophet Jeremiah had to put up in his day!

God wants us to be a people of applied faith, not Church going and not in a religious system of rules and rituals #, but to free in the indwelling holy Spirit to be alive and active, with no fear of people? Respecting the laws of the lands that we are in as long as they do run contrary to God's laws!

Jeremiah 7:3-11,  Matthew/Levi 21:13,  Luke 19:45-46,  Hebrews 4:12,  Revelation 2:19.

Monday, 12 July 2021

Living in the Age?

 When the religious and the leaders tell us Lies!

With God there is never anything new under the sun when it comes to human failures, times may pass for a long time, but it all just comes around again and again for another generation to deal with?

Today many Church leaders have lost their way, but not because of external pressure, but their own choice in leading millions astray in false ideas and doctrines, trying to justify one sin so they can cover up their own lack in what ever area that Satan has tempted them in!

We are up against it, so that is why we need the holy Bible to read and study and prayer to get our guidance without needing any intermediary?

Jeremiah 5:30-31,  2 Corinthians 11:13-15,  Colossians 2:8,  2 Timothy 4:3,  2 Peter 1-2.