
Monday, 11 March 2024


 The elusive failure?

Everyone is calling for peace in the Middle-East, yet mention the Ukraine and it is all out war to the end and the numbers are interesting Gaza has seen 30,000 dead a Hamas claim which cannot be truly verified, while the Ukraine has seen 360,000 dead on all sides and the possibility of another 500,000 this being a real genocide!

Both Europe and the U.S. are divided giving aide with one hand and on the other a shopping list of weapons on the other and meanwhile the President of the free world is talking more rubbish to the world and home, since he is well demented?

There are many who are seeking peace in both conflicts and many others around the world and we must give thanks to God for them, even in our own lands, towns and cities, in community relations, the police and immigration too!

Psalm 120:7, Ecclesiastes 3:8, Matthew/Levi 5:9, John 14:27, James 3:18.