
Monday, 18 November 2024

His Back!

 Triumphal Trumpism for Now?

The land slide victory for the Republicans, like that of British Labor might ring hollow in the first one-hundred days in office, when we discover that not is all as it seems and that what was promised will have to wait!

Many of the current appointments may not be allowed to pass, since some of those called are not suitable for the roles that they have been called to and others are perhaps not in the right places, were they could be of more value?

Currently the pro-Israel lobby looks good, but with Trump being so unpredictable and want peace over conflict, he may go more so for the Arab voters and be more of a hindrance than anything else!

Has God chosen him or is this another ploy to win votes, we will have to wait and see if he really does come to faith in Jesus and be a true Christian leader and not an anti-Christ type?

Hosea 13:13, Ephesians 5:15, James 1:8, 2 Peter 3:16.