
Monday, 23 October 2017

Direspect. Part-Two.


It is easy to point the finger, when you have the money and security in life at other people who may be less fortunate than you? It is easy to brag about the size of your proverbial barns and tomorrow drop dead!

George Bush is correct in what he has said in relation to what is happening by these divisive moves in the States today! One man is so hypocritical and inward looking that he is destroying his own nation, in front of all who put him there into office?

This political incorrectness is much more common amongst governments than meets the eye? We see it in the U.K., Russia, China, across Africa, the Middle-East, Israel and all over the place?

But one day all of these people, wither they believe in Jesus or not will have to give their account to God!

Matthew/Levi 12:36, Romans 14:2, Hebrews 13:7, 1 Peter 4:5.

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