
Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Kentucky Whirlwind!

 Tornado killer Twisters?

The native American tribes who lived on these plains knew of the mysterious weather patterns and so got well away from them at certain times of the year!

The last major human killer was back in 1925 and that was a greater loss than this one, despite and estimated two-hundred killed, in this one, it is still terrible!

Every ninety years or so a big one or more pass through over what is now eight to ten states, many are claiming this is due to global warming, but now one can be sure?

On the other hand this twister shared something with its Biblical equivalents! God will not tolerate sin and the political lies and corruption is a nation who claims to uphold the Gospel and is hypocritical in its actions?

2 Kings 2:1-11, Job 38:1, 40:6, Isaiah 17:13, Jeremiah 4:13.

'On the verge of a world Plague?

 Omicron can cross to Rats!

We are living in dire times and no one is admitting to anything in relation to this virus and its mutations, with the latest news, things are only going to get worse?

But the Holy Bible has already told us that plagues are coming and we must try not to worry, because the end is drawing near!

If we believe and live by faith nothing will worry us or should not?

But from time to time Satan will attack us, but we must not loose heart this Christmas and New year, we again have the opportunity to share you with family and friends!

Exodus 9:14, Habakkuk 3:5, Matthew 6:28, Mark 13:11, Luke 12:22, 1 Peter 3:14,  Revelation 15:1-8.

Monday, 22 November 2021

White people are all not Guilty!

 Holidays parade Attack?

The FBI and CIA have a problem with white Islam or terrorism that might be connected to the Islamic State since there are no white Muslim converts!

The United States from Kenosha to the Whitehouse still has problems with white people taking the law into their own hands and even doing a Las Vegas, because only dark skinned people must do bad things?

Hypocrisy and ignorance still exists in the Biden administration, where a long term politician will do the talk and nothing else accept praise the jury system to cover his own failing with child cages on the Mexican border!

Job 22:12, Lamentations 3:25, Luke 16:15, Acts 8:21. 

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Preparing for the holidays and Christmas?

 Living in uncertain times!

We can taken nothing for granted anymore, now that this Coronavirus is still hanging around and many believers are just as arrogant and selfish as the world in relation to government control in the various vaccines?

When Satan is revealed, the business community will be the first to know, since they will help with the introduction of the number 666 or the Greek letters HHH rather than the Hebrew VAVVAVAV as many anti-Semites want us to be fooled into thinking!

Only God knows our hearts and minds, are motives and intensions and Satan will be allowed to read our thoughts so He will have control of everything, our persecution until the Lord appears and destroys Him.

Revelation 13:16-18,  15:2, 2 Chronicles 15:13, Daniel 12:10,  Hosea 14:9, Mark 13:14, Revelation 22:4.

Monday, 18 October 2021

Easy Terrorism?

 Knife Murder!

Last week a British member of Parliament was stabbed and estimated seventeen times by a young Muslim man in a Church as the MP invited people to seek help from him!

It is perhaps the same world-wide, were the public can talk to a politician an get a letter written, countersigned or get some help in their struggles with local government, the police, disputes with other people or faulty goods?

But now criminal activity is being employed by the cowardice of disturbed people and we are living in the spirit of the age, where knife crime is now more prevalent than it has been for over a hundred years?

Deuteronomy 21:1,  1 Chronicles 28:9,  Job 37:16,  Romans 2:12,  1 Corinthians 2:11,  Hebrews 4:12-13.

Inciting Violence!

 From Donald Trump to Islamic Rhetoric?

What should be banned in the world of rhetoric, the President of the United States be put on a par with Neo-Nazi and Islamic terrorism being incited out of his mouth or perhaps some of the crap that is now coming out of the #blm in relation to anti-Semitism and other?

The Internet was designed for the sharing of knowledge and information, which it did for over thirty years before it became a world-wide public forum, but now the speech is filth and hatred both aspects of the human nature of a fallen humanity!

Jesus warns us, 'To be wise in what we say, since we will be held to account for every word!  Matthew/Levi 12:36.

Matthew/Levi 15:11, John 12:48, Acts 7:54, Romans 6:23.

Thursday, 14 October 2021

The Harvest Time!

 Reaping souls and Thanksgiving?

Wither we come from a farming or fishing community we can still enjoy the fulness of this special to give thanks to God for what He has done for us this year, more so in saving us and our families from the Coronavirus?

But there is always work to be done when we are believers in the death and resurrection of Jesus, the fields are white as snow and He said that the workers were few!

Our challenge from God is always to take up the gauntlet and be getting on with His work over that of our own?

Halloween and Christmas are ahead, they are great opportunities to reach out to our respective communities and families with the Good News message of Jesus?

John 4:35,   Luke 1:79,   Romans 3:21-31,  2 Corinthians 1:11,  1 Timothy 3:16.

Monday, 6 September 2021

The Joy of the Lord?

 To Have!

To believe in the death, resurrection and promised return of the Lord is one thing, but to follow Jesus is another?

To imitate, to apply Jesus actions everyday in our lives is hard and that is perhaps why many people who claim faith are unhappy, since they live as the world?

We were purchased at a heavy price and it is sad to see that many fail at this essential and simple hurdle or that they abuse the power they have been invested with!

Matthew/Levi 25:21-23,  1 Thessalonians 1:6,  Philemon 1:20.

The Love of God!


We do not see much compassion with even the best of people at the worst of times and yet we are told in the New Testament of the Holy Bible that Jesus showed compassion to people!

The word is defined as having pity rather than showing love, Jesus had pity on the crowds who followed Him, because they were Spiritually dull and yet they wanted many things a leader to free them from the Roman occupation and a healer!

Today many people are searching for answers to the problems of life, but at the same time they do not want God? Because they have been told God is about rules and religion is rubbish and we can solve all our problems if we can find the answers ourselves?

Matthew/Levi 9:36,  14:14,  15:32,  20:34,  Mark 9:22,  Luke 10:33,  Romans 9:15,  Colossians 3:12, 1 John 3:17.

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

The county lines Chain?

 Of human slavery and Misery!

When one thinks that you can make a living and escape the evil of this new type of narcotics network, your friends stab you in the back and take over your role believing that they can do better and thus the misery and slavery continues!

Much of what is termed in the U.K. as a county line, is that of a baron and his family controlling misguided youth, families and children either by promises, nice food, clothes, loans or just intimidation so that a line network can be built up to supply drugs across the country?

The problem that society now faces is generations of youth believing they have no need to work, since at an older age they will live off the proceedings of their own lines or networks and that if they ever live long enough?

God sees the human heart of evil and sin and warns us of the our come of our actions, so we must choose Him and be freed from bondage, slavery, lies and death!

 John 3:14-20,  Acts 13:39,  Hebrews 4:12,  Revelation 1:5.

Monday, 26 July 2021

God expects more from Us!

 A den of merchants and Robbers?

One has always felt uncomfortable with the Sunday book store in the Church and despite the need for it, it becomes a king of religious hypocrisy when we are encouraged by some to keep the sabbath and feel okay trading in the confines of fellowship!

Jesus was not to pleased with what He saw in the Temple in Jerusalem, the abuse of the religious leadership turning a Holy building into another outlet for business and His words spoken that they were in relation to what the poor suffering Prophet Jeremiah had to put up in his day!

God wants us to be a people of applied faith, not Church going and not in a religious system of rules and rituals #, but to free in the indwelling holy Spirit to be alive and active, with no fear of people? Respecting the laws of the lands that we are in as long as they do run contrary to God's laws!

Jeremiah 7:3-11,  Matthew/Levi 21:13,  Luke 19:45-46,  Hebrews 4:12,  Revelation 2:19.

Monday, 12 July 2021

Living in the Age?

 When the religious and the leaders tell us Lies!

With God there is never anything new under the sun when it comes to human failures, times may pass for a long time, but it all just comes around again and again for another generation to deal with?

Today many Church leaders have lost their way, but not because of external pressure, but their own choice in leading millions astray in false ideas and doctrines, trying to justify one sin so they can cover up their own lack in what ever area that Satan has tempted them in!

We are up against it, so that is why we need the holy Bible to read and study and prayer to get our guidance without needing any intermediary?

Jeremiah 5:30-31,  2 Corinthians 11:13-15,  Colossians 2:8,  2 Timothy 4:3,  2 Peter 1-2.

Monday, 28 June 2021


 U.S. reform bill on the Police?

Much was promised in the U.S. to rout out the Trump administration and yet we see a string of failures with Kamala Harris taking her time to deal with the border issues and keeping 900 miles from the pressure point, while Biden travels the world trying to start a war with Russia maybe to avoid changes at home to that promised bill?

If black people have learned anything from history it is that white people do not keep their promises and what we saw even in the sentencing of the killer of George Floyd was a capitulation on justice! 

Now we have to wonder what is coming next in the appeal and if Biden will implement anything or just be another white man in the white house?

We see the same problem world wide when it comes to black people, they are still considered second class in white society, but in many black nations police brutality is far worse and gets unreported or ignored by western media!

 Psalm 10:2,   22:16,  98:1-2,  119:157,  Micah 7:10,  Matthew/Levi 12:20,  2 Corinthians 5:17-20,  7:11,  Ephesians 6:14,  James 3:18, 2 Peter 3:13.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021


 Our Empowerment?

it is there for us to use, if we need it to share our faith to do some work that will help others and lift up the body of the Ekklesia for the glory of God?

Even the small things are powerful weapons in our fight with Satan and His host, making the tea, welcoming strangers as well as believers at the door, putting out the hymn books, newsletters and even cleaning the Church?

There are many things we can do as believers, at school, work, retirement and travelling! Talking to people, even saying hi and bye might be enough to save a life in crises?

Romans 12:6,  1 Corinthians 12:4,  28,  2 Timothy 2:1,  Hebrews 2:4.

Monday, 7 June 2021

Not Alone?

 God has not left us Alone!

Many people in the world wonder are we alone in the universe, is there not other life and do they visit now and then as governments might be hiding the truth on us?

But we who believe that we are not alone, since God gave to us His one and only Son to save us from our failings and when Jesus returned to Heaven He said that the Holy Spirit was coming and so all believers have the Spirit of God to comfort us in our times of trouble worry and much more!

it is not easy to be a believer we have to learn to endure the evil of the age that is around us and at times the anger and hatred that we may find the enemy will try to provoke us into in our hearts, but the Holy Spirit will help us if we pray believe, keep focused on the cross knowing that our Father cares for us!

Psalm 102:17,  Matthew/Levi 4:4,  Luke 10:40,  John 8:29.

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Palestine and #blm!

 The rise of Anti-Semitism?

It is how we see things that can cause more friction than resolving the issues at hand!

#blm was set up to fight for justice to black people in the United States to see right prosecutions of police officers who were out of order and to fight many other similar cases, meanwhile with the coming to power of Joe Biden one senator for the movement has also come into public office for the first time?

When the movement has taken an anti-Israel rather than anti-Israeli police line and adhered it-self to the rocket firing Hamas terrorist organization in the region, alarm bells are ringing and blocks to further progress will be put into place by many governments to know thwart the Black lives matters aims!

We cannot have a two sided movement, either we go one way or the other, the New Testament tells us that we cannot have two masters only one and that being Jesus our Savior!

The road looks bleak because of the Palestinian situation and the prophetic facts in relation to Israel being in their land at the will of God, while white America could get police officers off with the George Floyd killing on appeal?

Isaiah 49:6,  Matthew 6:24,  Luke 16:13,  John 3:3,  14-17,  15:6,  Revelation 21:8.

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

COVID-19 Crimes!

 Dishonest and failed Contracts?

Many rich people are making plenty of money as they have always done out of other peoples misery and nothing is changing as more scams are uncovered in governments and administration in relation to medical equipment, vaccines and machines from ventilators to oxygen makers and other essentials such as aprons, gloves, face masks and face shields!

Much that was promised was a quick kill in illegal activity by people that we elected to lead, but they for their families and their deep pockets? 

Sin has once more revealed it self in these worse times, lack of consideration of human life is one of the biggest problems, while keeping out certain peoples is a cover for their own dishonesty? But God sees everything and the hypocrisy of the human heart and that of many who claim a Christian faith!

Proverbs 16:28, 30,  Jeremiah 22:17,  Ezekiel 22:27,  Matthew/Levi 23:28,  Luke 12:1,  1 Timothy 3:8,  1 Peter 2:1.

Crime Initiatives?

 Bike 4 Knives and the many Others!

But the question to be asked is do they work and if there has been so many it proves that most of them did not work, dealing with the mindset is expensive so one had to understand why the alternatives?

Society is good at making excuses, we see many alternative ecological groups try to promote green energy to save the planet? Yet most of them smoke some kind of  pot and thus encourage deliveroo for narcotics and that draw more of the bike for knives youth into another evil!

What is at the heart of the matter is attitude and only God can really change us from what we were to what we are now! At the same time God is the only one who knows our hearts and motives and as we have already seen people with initiatives don't really want to spend the money on the right kinds of help?

Psalm 44:21,   Proverbs 14:10,   16;2,  21:27,   Acts 15:8,   1 Thessalonians 2:3-4.

Monday, 5 April 2021

The Easter Impact! Two.

 The rolling Stone?

The grave could not hold Jesus the Son of God and as He promised He would be raised on the third day from the grave, those who followed Him came to the garden and saw that mighty stone had been rolled away!

Matthew/Levi 28:2,  Mark 15:46, 16:4. Luke 24:2, John 20:1.

The question to be asked is do we too have a stone that covers our hearts, when it comes to God and Jesus? 

A stone that can only really be moved by God, if would but turn to Him and believe we would be a New person and He would give to us a New Heart and a New Life?

Ezekiel 11:19,  36:26.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

The Easter Impact! One.


Easter has had the largest impact on the world, since Christmas, but now we come to a time where all must be fulfilled in the life and death of Jesus, the healer, preacher and the compassionate man!

The cross/stake/tree awaits Him, but before these last hours Jesus sat down with His fellow Jews and celebrated the Passover meal of the deliverance of Israel from the Egyptian slavery and in that meal He did something new that today we may take for granted the communion or the Lords table?

Jesus broke bread and shared the wine goblet with His friends and a traitor, 'Take this is my body broken for you, take this is my blood shed for you?

Will you accept Him this Easter season or perhaps you will make petty excuses to not want to be invited to the marriage supper?

Matthew/Levi 26:26,  Mark 14:22,  Luke 14:16-24,  22:19,  1 Corinthians 11:25-27.

Monday, 8 March 2021

Joe Biden and Police Reform!

 More of the Same?

One is hoping for justice and reform in the United States in relation to the hundreds of black people that get murdered by the police across the states each years and the years before?

George Flyodd has become and International symbol of U.S. Police brutality and yet one cannot be too sure if the new President will keep his word and we see that only white people are allowed to right and invade the Capitol?

But justice will come in some form as many believe the United States is in decline, and Donald Trump made it happen, since no one any longer listens to the U.S.?

It is a sad situation, but this is the way that leaders go with power, they exploit and abuse it and justify sin, while claiming to be many things that they will never be! Prayer will help us and fighting in congress or what ever parliament that is yours to do so without violence?

Exodus 23:2,  Psalm 45:4,  89:14,   Isaiah 59:4,  14,   Amos 5:7,  John 16:8,   Ephesians 6:14. 

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Bowls of Wrath!

 End time plagues?

AIDs/HIV, Ebola, Zika and SARs-CoV2/COVID-19.

In the last fifty years the world has faced a series of plagues and serious illnesses that have mostly lead to death or some serious disability and mutations from sexual transmission to filthy conditions and now a virulent virus?

Still humanity continues in ignorance of what is happening around them, from sexual practice to not wearing protection and ignoring procedure and many are dying!

The world believes that governments are wanting to control them in new ways and that the Mark of the beast will soon be introduced through the various vaccines?  

But  those in business will be the first to know, since the triple H, He sixth letter in the Greek alphabet will be on your cash, credit and other cards, if it is not already within the inking of your tattoos?

Matthew 11:23-24,  Luke 17:29,  2 Peter 2:6,  Revelation 15:7  16:1,  17:1,  21:9.

Monday, 8 February 2021


 'He Loved us First!

We may have our own ideas or concepts about love and what this emotion is all about, but it may not be real as we think it is?

The world today is full of people loving everything, they say the words in relation to objects and people like water running out of their mouths and yet we know that in reality the words have little or no meaning!

When it comes to helping others, most people will not get involved in a situation, they pass it by hoping to get clear as quick as possible, while others don't want to get involved because of a bad experience?

But God's love is the only real one, since He gave to us His one and only son and Jesus showed compassion to many that He healed and saved like us too and from this is laid a foundation for us to follow!

John 3:3, 16, 14:6, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, Ephesians 2:4, 5:2, 1 John 3:4,  4:10-11, 19.

Tuesday, 26 January 2021

New Revisionism & Holocaust Denial?

 Misplaced Understanding!

#blm have taken up an agenda in Europe that has nothing to do with fighting for the rights of black people who are murdered by the police?

They have misunderstood slavery can be paralleled with the Holocaust in what could be described as black anti-Semitism and they have forgotten that the Europeans saw blacks as a commodity, while the Nazi's saw the Jewish people as a threat and wanted their elimination!

Believers have to stay with the Holy Bible and its truths in relation to understanding that we are all sinners and fallen into divers ways of deceit and lies! If we claim to have faith and have not love for others, then we are in a dire situation that must be sorted out with God and put right or our Salvation may be lost?

Numbers 35:20-22,  Psalm 25:19,  109:5,  Proverbs 10:12,  Romans 8:6,  Galatians 5:20,  Ephesians  4:31,  Hebrews 3:1.

Monday, 11 January 2021

'6th January 2021!

 'A serious shock to the World?

A true day of madness from the U.S. Q-Anon/Parler president who attempted a 'Adolf Hitler Putsch in the United States after inciting violence that killed five people and injured 60+ and then hours after praising the attack or ransacking of the Capitol said that these people made him look really bad!

One could not get a statement of double-standards more than this and the many Republicans who initially refused to condemn the assault in many countries by now would be hanging from the lamp posts?

The internet has shut him out because he is still and probably always will incite hatred, instead of facing the truth that he lost to a nation that turned on him playing golf while thousands of people were dying and failing to deal with police brutality n relation to #BLM!

But even now with the death of a police officer he has been caught out by his own hypocrisy and language used!

Matthew 2:16,   Job 12:4,   Proverbs 27:3-4,   Colossians 2:4,   2 Peter 3:9.