
Tuesday 24 May 2016

A Warning.

Don't be too Cool?

When we open the door to evil, it will stay with us and we will continue to have problems no matter were we go!

Admitting failure and turning from it brings humility, but also a will to learn to find a new and better way with God.

God does not give up on anyone who keeps trusting Him!

But those who continue to do evil face Judgement and Eternal separation!

Proverbs 17:13,  Psalm 35:12,  Romans 12:17.

Monday 9 May 2016

Don't give up on Me?

God Cares for us!

Being a believer in the death and resurrection of Jesus by faith does not mean that we are exempt from sin, in fact we are now more likely to be attacked by the enemy than ever before.

When were in the world we were blind to our failure and if Satan muucked us up, we just thought it was bad luck?

Despite falling, after being forgiven of our past God wipes away that sin never to look at it again!

He is not like humanity, who will draw up again and again our mistakes even after a really long time?

Psalm 95:6,  100:3, 138:8,  Matthew 12:36-37, 1 Corinthians 14:15, Ephesians 5:19.