
Tuesday 6 December 2016

Christmas Miracles. Two.


Many Christians can get upset when we start to talk about the chosen, but here in this account of an element of the Christmas story we have such an event apart from Mary the virgin!

Shepherds out in the fields were startled by the host of angels who visited them, perhaps one could say they where terrified? 

Many people today who claim to see lights in the sky or what they think are UFOs are afraid?

Abraham, Jacob and King David were all shepherds and even Jesus later said My sheep know My voice.

Luke 2:8-20, 10-15,  Genesis 4:2, 30:33,  1 Samuel 16:11, 19,  Isaiah 53:6-7,  John 10:4.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Christmas Miracles. One.

Virgin Birth!

Even today many believers cannot fathom the virgin birth of Jesus and they find all the worldly excuses of a child born outside of wedlock? This is a sad situation and probably explains why Christianity is in active in many parts of the western world?

Jesus was promised by God's Prophets for thousands of years and Mary was chosen by God, because of her and Josephs linage. It is hard to understand, but the Holy Spirit entered her womb and Jesus was conceived, but Mary remained untouched as in normal sexual relations!

The Holy Spirit today lives within each believer, empowering them to witness our faith and to serve in many ways! Our New Life is more than singing songs and praising the Lord, its about getting our hands dirty and getting out of ones comfort zone?

Psalm 2:7, Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1;23,  Luke 1:27-28, 33, 35, John 1:49, 20:31, Acts 3:13, 26, Galatians 2:20.

Monday 7 November 2016


Remembering the Dead.

Every nation and culture on this planet and throughout human history has, does and will continue to remember their fallen from wars and terrorism, to conflicts? What ever we call the vetrans, they will march and mark their comrades within their own memories of wars?

The problem with humanity is that its politicians talk too much about peace, that they prove themselves to be true hypocrites, when they are planning the next conflict?  We are seein this all the time and all around the globe, even now in the U.S. people have two choices of the same, that suits neither of the majority?

Afghanistan, Libya, Mosul in Iraq, and Aleppo and Raaqa in Syria, if not in time U.S. and British forces will be back in the fighting areana, while a possible third world war is looming if NATO provokes the old Russian Bear?

Psalm 2:1-6,  Haggai 2:7, Acts 4:25,  James 3:17.

Monday 24 October 2016

Sinning. Part-Two.

Lead us not into Temptation.

Jesus said, 'That it was not what we eat makes us dirty, but what is conceived in the human heart!'

Satan/The Devil knows all about us, since it was He who deceived our mutual grandmother Eve in the Garden of Eden so long ago! He knows that sin binds us to wants, food, pleasure, lust, power, money, all the weaknesses of the human nature.

Jesus was no exception to being attacked by His arch enemy Satan, when He was tempted out in the desert! But Jesus leaves us this example and knowledge along with that bases of prayers to build upon, that we can stand up to His evil devices and his various agents who seek if we are believers to lead us astray?

Genesis 3:1-5, Matthew 4:1-18, 6:13, Mark 7:15-20, Luke 11:4, 2 Corinthians 11:14, James 5:7, 17.

Monday 10 October 2016

Sinning. Part-One.

Continuing to Sin.

There are many who claim a faith in God today, but they continue to live in the world, as the world. They show nothing of the New Life that they claim to have in Jesus death and resurrection for them?

God warns those who have believed and who then think that they can abuse their position with Him, will loose their salvation! The blood that Jesus spilt for us on the cross/tree/stake is very precious, it was to buy us back to God.

But if we abuse that relationship by living and continuing on in the sinful nature, we will be refused entry into His rest.

Hebrews 10:26, Numbers 15:28-31, Deuteronomy 17:12, Psalm 19:12-13, Matthew 12:31-32, 1 Timothy 1:13, 2 peter 2:20-22.

Monday 26 September 2016

Thou shall Not?

Grace and Law.

The world lives under the Laws of God found in Exodus chapter 20, but we who know Jesus as our personal saviour are under His Grace.

It is hard to tell people sometimes that we have been chosen! Many of us were going our own way and out of the blue, things changed and soon we discovered the knowledge that we were in a depraved state of sin?

You see the Law does not save us, it condems us to be breakers of its demands!

God's grace on the other hand gives us the promise of a New Start with Him to Freedom!

Jeremiah 3:13,  Colossians 2:20-23,  3:1-4,  10-11.

Monday 12 September 2016

Rejoice. Part-One.

It helps Us!

We all need help at the best of times, and God wants us to be happy in all our circumstances and situations!

The world will always be attacking us for one reason or another, if we believe in God!

The many times they have a go at us, they also contradict themselves in their anger and frustration?

But we are now living in our New Lives and have so much to give thanks to God for.

1 Chronicles 16:32,  Psalm 40:16,  Philippians 2:17-18.

Monday 29 August 2016

The ball is Rolling. Part-Two.

Choices of Destiny are Coming?

America will soon decide on one of two of really about the same opposites of each other?

Both represent the same thing, to keep the establishment of their own race?

One is moderate by reputation the other harsher and more racist, but it is time that will judge what or who they really are?

The best choice first is faith in Jesus, because he will never let us down as long as we walk in His ways and follow! Because He is the only one who can promise us forgiveness of failure and Life Eternal!

John 10:27,  1 Corinthians 14:1,  Hebrews 12:14.

Monday 15 August 2016

All Life Matters. Part-One.

For God so Loved the World..!

Hypocrisy is one of the biggest problems in human nature, along with embarrassment and shame. These are three of the worst and they show us up as real loser's, despite money, success and riches?

Pride is another problem that allows communities to make claims over others that they well know are not true, we are seeing this everyday right across the world.

This is why we have so many wars, local conflicts and problems. But only faith in Jesus with Integrity will help us out of this mess of sin.

Psalm 25:21, Proverbs 19:1, Matthew 23:28, Luke 9:28, John 3:15-18, James 3:17.

Monday 1 August 2016

Not to be Forgotten. Part-One.

Bataclan, Brussels and Nice.

Three major terrorist attacks two hundred and fifty two people killed, by a handful of religious fanatics on people going about their daily business.

This is the work of the soldier of Islam who don't fight armies, they are cowards who shoot in the back.

Political policy has brought this about and the problems with the world is its utter confusion in the inherited sin of lies upon lies.

But there is no darkness with God, no lies, no dishonesty, because He is pure light that is unapproachable and he is Holy without Sin.

Today if you are without hope, have no peace, troubled? Then turn to Him and be made complete in His righteousness. In Jesus His One and Only Son who died for You and me.

Isaiah 53:7-8,  John 3:15-18,  Acts 4:12,  8:32,  Romans 15:13,  1 Peter 1:19,  3 John 11.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

The ball is Rolling. Part-One.

Trumps Vision Fulfilled.

Don't say you were not warned?

It is sad when people in despair fall into the revenge trap, thinking their actions will get results. The murder now of eight U.S. Police men in two major 'Black Power' attacks and 29 having died this year, will give the oppertunity for Donald Trump the excuse to possible wipe out the comminity?

Tyrants like to play the ticket of doing what is right, getting the problem sorted? Even when they tell a pack of lies to fool the conservative of any society. In the Bible we see such a proud loyal man as Haman, who sought to destroy one group of people in the Babylonian nation out of sheer jealousy.

Esther 3:1-2, Psalm 12:8, Proverbs 29:2, Phillipians 2:10.

Friday 8 July 2016

Dallas, Texas. U.S.A.

Black Life (Does) Matter.

If this is a revenge attack on the Police, for recent murders of young blackmen in the United States it will not resolve anything of the racial tentions.

If you spill gasoline on gasoline the fire just keeps on buring!

We need community leaders to be doing something in each State to bring the local police to accountability? But we also must respect the law and understand that not everyone who was killed was not without being under suspicion.

We tend to get the immpression that none of these men were criminals, when some where?

God sees the human heart and he knows all our intentions, even if we try to hide our motives behind peace and the promises to do the right thing? But then go on and plan to murder and try to justify ourselves!

Genesis 34:7-31,  Psalm 119:169,  Matthew 5:22,  Romans 12:19.

Monday 13 June 2016

Gay Pride.

The answers in the Name.

Homosexuality is a sin before God, wither we know Him or not!

There are many today who profess faith in Jesus and yet practice this sin.

For you who continue to do this, thens its fine for swindlers and liars to be in the Church with you. Even murders and child abusers all continuing on knowing that Jesus loves us?

How sad that you have been deluded by Satan. When we repent we turn from our sins and try not to be tempted back again into them.

Psalm 10:4-6,  Isaiah 3:9-10,  Matthew 5:17-20,  Romans 1:26-16,  6:1-2,  Revelation 22:11-15.

Monday 6 June 2016

No tit for Tat!

We are not called to do Evil!

The world is full of anger about the loss of what it wants over that of letting go and sharing?

Believers in Jesus by faith in His death and resurrection have been set free from the powers of darkness!

We are no longer what we were and in this New Life, that begins the moment we believed we are not a people of doing tit for tat.

Psalm 38:20,  1 Thessalonians 5:15,  1 Peter 3:9.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

A Warning.

Don't be too Cool?

When we open the door to evil, it will stay with us and we will continue to have problems no matter were we go!

Admitting failure and turning from it brings humility, but also a will to learn to find a new and better way with God.

God does not give up on anyone who keeps trusting Him!

But those who continue to do evil face Judgement and Eternal separation!

Proverbs 17:13,  Psalm 35:12,  Romans 12:17.

Monday 9 May 2016

Don't give up on Me?

God Cares for us!

Being a believer in the death and resurrection of Jesus by faith does not mean that we are exempt from sin, in fact we are now more likely to be attacked by the enemy than ever before.

When were in the world we were blind to our failure and if Satan muucked us up, we just thought it was bad luck?

Despite falling, after being forgiven of our past God wipes away that sin never to look at it again!

He is not like humanity, who will draw up again and again our mistakes even after a really long time?

Psalm 95:6,  100:3, 138:8,  Matthew 12:36-37, 1 Corinthians 14:15, Ephesians 5:19.

Monday 25 April 2016


Our way back to God.

God accepts nothing without the shedding of blood, which makes it Holy.

In times past everything that was offered had to be covered by the blood of animals.

The problem was that it did not put and end to sin and had to be offered time and again.

Jesus, Gods own son was the perfect answer, all who confess Him have been covered in His blood of reconciliation back to the Father.

God always provided a way for people in need to seek Him, But now we have Jesus the perfect sacrifice to turn too.

Isaiah 45:19,  John 3:15-21,  1 Timothy 2:5-6,  Hebrews 9:13-15,  22-28.

Monday 18 April 2016

Sees Everthing. Part-Two.

Our hearts and Minds.

We as a race are really very limited even in our vast creativeness, despite organisation, infrastructure and our ability to wipe ourselves off Earth we are still limited to the vastness of God!

God is always watching us, being indifferent to each other, hiding in the darkness and pretending to be good by deeds and religion.

You see God made us, He made the world, the Solar system, the Universe, time, and all life. it may have began billions of years ago. 

It may of taken epochs before life began, but we cannot disprove Him and we cannot escape the Judgement Day that is coming ever closer.

1 Kings 8:39, Psalm 14:2,  33:13-15,  Hebrews 4:12.

Monday 11 April 2016

Sees Everything. Part-One.

God watches His Creation.

We might have other ideas in relation to hiding our actions from other people, pretending to be one thing, while we are the same old person as we always have been.

Cheating on the partner, tax evasion, telling lies, dishonest in business, tripping others up at work, seeking promotion in Church and at work that we know that we do not deserve?

God sees everything, He is always watching us, we cannot and never will be able to hide from Him!

2 Chronicles 16:9, Psalm 11:4-5,  102:19-20,  Hebrews 4:13.

Monday 4 April 2016



We who have faith in Jesus, have been delivered, set free from the powers that darkness once had over us. We need to give thanks to god everyday for Jesus has achieved for us!

Jesus came to set all people free from sin, filth, darkness and corruption. It is our choice to seek and follow Him.

If the world has rejected you, old associates refuse your company? Don't worry about it, this shows that God has delivered you and now you have joined your brothers and sisters in Ekklesia to glory in Heaven with Jesus for Eternity.

Luke 4:18,  Matthew 5:11-12.

Monday 28 March 2016


Resurrection Victory.

Believers mark the end of Easter with the resurrection of Jesus, the light of the world.

The world that we live in is a place of darkness, controled by Satan the attractive fallen Angel!

Darkness, delusion, trickery, desception, death can be deliverd from by faith in Jesus.

Admit you failure, seek God and change your attitudes.

Acts 2:23-25,  Psalm 116:3-4,  John 12:31,  Acts 26;18,  2 Corinthians 11:14,  Ephesians 6:12.

Monday 21 March 2016

The cost of being a Believer. TWO.

Accused and set Up.

Jesus paid the price for our sins, as he bled to death on the cross/stake/tree, men jeered Him there as they lied and made up false accusations during His trial.

Today our corrupt world still does the same, governments, police, councils and other administrative bodies. They take short cuts by piling more crimes on the guilty to cover up and get rid of their piles of paperwork?

What a price has been paid for us 2000 years ago, this Easter?

Psalm 22:7-9, Matthew 27:40, Mark 15:30, Luke 23:37-39,  John 2:19-22, 2 Corinthian 6:2.

Monday 14 March 2016

The cost of being a Believer. ONE.


Shame today has become a twisted word, meaning not what is supposed to mean. Many people are ashamed to be called a Christian its soppy, expresses weakness.

Jesus went to the cross and took our shame on Him. He was afraid, but not ashamed.

What ever is your excuses this easter, lay them aside and trun to Jesus and find Eternity in your hearts and minds.

Acts 11:26,   26:28,  1 Peter 4:11.

Monday 7 March 2016

Easter Approaches!

More chocolate, flowers and Cards?

Is there not something more to Easter than another holiday, fun, bunnies and eggs?

Easter is about Jesus price paid to bring us back to God, because God said that he loves His creation! God does not love our failures, so he gave us His son Jesus to do the good works of death upon the cursed tree/Cross.

This achieved the ultimate miracle of rising from the dead on the third day and removing the sting of death from all who have faith in Him.

As we have seen in recent posts, no one is forcing you to do anything? But rather to inform you that it is your choice wither you choose a New Life today with God or go on to Eternal separation for Eternity?

Psalm 86:15,   Luke 18:7-8,   Romans 2:4.

Saints and Sinners. Part-Two.

What and who are the Saints?

Roman Catholicism has venerated those they believe have performed miracles, but the bible says that all purchased failures are the saints. Those who went before us in each fellowship are the saints, they look over us as the body of believers. Hebrews 12:1, 1 Peter 5:12.

God so loved the world, that he gave us His one and only son. God does not want people to perish, but for all to turn to Him. We are lost now in the darkness of failure, but we can come out of it into His Eternal light. John 3:19-21, 9:5, 2 Peter 3:9.

The choice is always with us?

Will you choose today to surrender to His will and be set free from the emptiness of filth, riches and the muck of this life to the promises of New things in His?  Joshua 24:15-18,

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Saints and Sinners. Part-One.


They say that the believers walk starts at the door out of our fellowships!

This is the truth that many people today avoid, because it is hard to talk to hostile neighbours, fellow workers, family, friends?

People just do not want to hear the truth, they don't want to give up their trash lives of filth and sin!

Jesus told all His followers to go out and share their faith and preach the Gospel, that is why you have a Church to go to today.

Mark 16,  Acts 1-2.

Monday 15 February 2016

After St. Valentines Day.

Today and Forward.

Now that it is all over, the cards, chocolates, roses and flowers?

How are we feeling, are we back to our over reacting, swearing selves again?

If we loved before yesterday, then we will continue to be loving today and every other day.

God's Love is Eternal, If we believe that God gave us His One and Only Son, we will be following in faith and putting into Practise His Love, Jesus Love.

Leviticus 19:18,  Psalm 133:1, Matthew 5:11-12,  I John 5:1-2.

Monday 8 February 2016

Nothing like LOVE. Two.

God's Love, real Love.

The love of God/Jesus is a love of cost and value, it is not about empty words!

If we believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus and have repented of our failure, God asks us to Love Him and to love those around us.

Actions do speak louder than words and No thanks is better than flattery.

The love of fellowship, friendship in care and concern and in compassion, what more should be said?

Matthew 22:37-39,  Mark 12:30-31,  Deuteronomy 6:5-7, Philemon 1:8-10,  James 5:20.

Monday 1 February 2016

Nothing Like Love. ONE.

Human Nature.

There are many aspects to love, parent to child, baby to mother, brotherly, friendship. 

Then we have the love of things, houses, models, money, business, cars, jewellery, pets, animals, nature, interests, work,

Then we have the love between and man and woman, of romance, of marriage, of sex, of intimacy,

Love is cheap in the world, because it is full of selfishness and expects a return always! 

God's love is not like that it is unconditional.

Psalm 1:3, Isaiah 57;1, Galatians 5:22-23.

Monday 25 January 2016


To Be-Grudge.

One does not have to dig far into these movements to find, hatred, jealousy and intolerance today.

''The Jews are the problem, get rid of them and the world will be a better place?''

Many, including Christians have said that to their great loss, because we cannot be saved without the Jew Jesus Christ.

God has a plan for Israel first, then for the believers anyone who breaks His plans have one destiny, unless they repent and that is eternal damnation=HELL.

Leviticus 19:18,  Psalm 27:1,  46:1-2,  Jeremiah 29:11,  John 3:15-18,  8:12,  James 5:9.

Monday 18 January 2016

SLAVERY. Part-Three.

Two Masters.

In the last two bloggs we have looked at the physical out working of the Slavery, but now we are going to look at the Spiritual condition of our choices.

The bible tells us very clearly that we humans are different, because we have the freedom to choose and this makes us creative, evil and advanced.

Sin crouches at our door and we have that choice, we also are dominated by depression and oppression on different levels and again we have the choice to accept sin or reject it. 

But we cannot have both, we either take one or the other?

Genesis 4:7,  Isaiah 7:15-16,  Matthew 6:24,  Luke 16:13, James 1:15.

Monday 11 January 2016

SLAVERY. Part-Two.


Who do you belong to, The Devil or Jesus?

If you belong to the Devil, you are part of this world that is lost and heading for decay.

If you belong to Jesus, you have been set free and are in New Life and entering Eternity.

John 8:32,  36,  1 Corinthians 7:21-23, Galatians 3:28,  Philemon 1:1-21.

Monday 4 January 2016

SLAVERY. Part-One.

Human Exploitation.

Man has always done this to one another and despite historical claims that it was ended, it continues all over the wold to this day. It has many new names, exploitation, trafficking, cheap labour are just but a few.

There are many societies and communities who rely upon this for services, sexual prostitution and imprisoned labour. Many woman working for rich people are daily beaten, their passports are withheld and they suffer humiliation.

The Travelling/Gypsy communities continue to steal and exploit venerable people for all kinds of work, while young girls and woman are used for prostitution.

North-America and Europe are not excluded from this evil, even by their antiquated laws. In fact it is the rich countries that are the most lucrative for all of this.

Exodus 21:1-11, 1 Corinthians 7:21, Colossians 3:22-25, 1 Timothy 1:10,  Revelation 18:13.